The xx edge | how cognitive diversity delivers outperformance

February 2024

Watch our recent virtual panel celebrating women in leadership where you will hear from two special guest speakers from the Tara Health Foundation.

Moderated by Meketa’s Judy Chambers, Ruth Shaber, and Ivy Jack will share their insights on how women can continue to create an impact within the investment industry, what they feel is important to the mission of diversity, as well as other practical advice and actionable ideas for women who are making waves in this or any other industry.
Panelists include:

Ruth Shaber, MD | Founder and President, Tara Health Foundation

Ivy Jack | Senior Adviser, Diverse Investing Collective, Tara Health Foundation

This special event was hosted by Women at Meketa (W@M), an employee resource group of Meketa, whose mission is to support, inspire, and energize the professional and personal growth of women, through networking and educational opportunities, to encourage continued career success. In line with the firm’s broader mission and goals, W@M is also committed to fostering a collaborative culture of awareness and inclusion in the workplace and, therefore, gladly welcomes membership from all Meketa employees, regardless of gender identity.

Passcode: W@M2024