MEKETA essentials

Connecting clients with in-depth investment analysis, insights, and customized reporting

With a robust suite of tools, MEKETA essentials provides clients with a wide variety of instruments at their fingertips to support effective decision making.

Whether researching a public or private markets manager, looking to understand factor exposures with a multi-manager portfolio or stress testing various asset allocation, MEKETA essentials will provide you with vast information and multi-dimensional decision making lenses.

The MEKETA essentials comprehensive tool kit includes solutions to:

Manage Portfolios

Asset Allocation | Using our extensive, annually updated Capital Market Expectations, MEKETA essentials Asset Allocation is an advanced risk management tool designed to provide a comprehensive perspective on diversification and its potential benefits.

Portfolio Builder | With more than 6,000 investment products accessible, Portfolio Builder allows you to quantitatively analyze and compare portfolio construction options.

Research Investment Managers

Public and Private Markets Research | Meketa’s Public and Private Markets research includes current and historical notes and due diligence reports as well as performance and benchmark data.

Review Portfolio Dashboard

For clients that use Meketa for private markets reporting, MEKETA essentials provides a single point of access for manager performance reporting as well as essential access to manager documents.

Access Thought Leadership

Provides users current and historical access to Meketa’s wide array of thought leadership, including our annual capital market expectations, research primers, asset class innovations and a wide variety of global macro thematic content.

To each client engagement, we bring all that we’ve learned over four decades of navigating complex, changing market conditions. Our data-driven investment thinking—our ability to integrate the most micro of details with macro trends—is a competitive advantage that we offer our clients.

Hannah Webber, Managing Principal / Director of Consulting and Client Service